Digital Marketing Tips&Tricks Website Creation

I’m an artisan. What should I put on my website?

Are you an artisan or entrepreneur? Are you starting to think that a website might be a good idea if you want to be visible on the Internet? As fate would have it, you’re right.  But don’t make the mistake of not knowing what to put on your site.  You need to carefully consider all your choices.

In this article, we’ll show you a bunch of elements you can put on your website to help transform more of your prospects into real customers.

Launching your Internet presence offers you several advantages. First of all, you’ll benefit from a showcase site that will boost your company’s visibility.  It’s a solid tool for your communication strategy. In this relatively competitive market, having an online presence has become essential.

Talk about yourself

Go ahead and create a site based on your brand image. It should reflect your vision of your industry.  Personalize your site. Show your clients who you are and tell them your story. This will help them get a clearer picture of your company and eventually feel more close to you. As you build on this relationship, your prospects may be more inclined to opt for your services.

Show off your accomplishments

On your website, you can display your achievements and skills while celebrating your business activity and its many advantages. Use your website as your portfolio. Showcase your expertise.

Present your products and prices

Offer your prospects an online catalogue. Make it detailed and include your prices since this is often an important criterion for Internet users. The first thing they’re looking for is what you sell and how much it costs.

Tell your prospects where they can find you

Another very important point is making sure you tell your prospects how they can contact you, and where they can find you.  If you don’t have a fixed location, indicate which regions and cities you serve. This will help you filter calls and ensure that you only hear from people who are truly interested.

Display your opening hours

Tell your clients when they can reach you as well as when you tend to be available. This will prevent you from unnecessarily losing potential clients. When people get your voice mail because they tried to contact you when they were closed, they will get discouraged and check out the competition.

Consider a contact form or web callback

For your busiest prospects who don’t have time to call you, or who don’t want to take the risk of landing on voicemail, consider integrating a contact form or Web Callback solution onto your website.  Web Callback is a phone line solution.  It lets prospects receive a free callback so they don’t have to wait on hold.

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